You know it's hard to work with family. Some people think that it's an amazing opportunity and wish they had the ability to do it. I'll tell you without a doubt it's one of the largest hurdles that any family business faces. Where do you draw the line between business and family? It's insanely difficult to navigate and can make Thanksgiving very awkward.

My brother, Eric has worked with me off and on since I came to Anderson Glass in 2001. There were times early on when we hated each other and probably could've cared less about ever seeing each other again, much less working together. As the years have passed we have obviously grown up and have different perspective about things versus being in our twenties. We certainly don't think the same and Lord knows we don't look the same. We absolutely don't act the same but if you ask him he'd say I still act like a kid.

Now a days, we get along extremely well and rarely have issues. His role with the company is one that gets very little merit nor attention unless of course something he measured was wrong or he said he'd do something that he didn't get around to doing.  There are no "attaboys" when a shower fits perfectly or "great jobs" when an window glass fits just right.  There is no TV time as the big brother and his name rarely gets mentioned on the company social media.  See, Eric's job has transformed over the years and he currently plays the role of Salesman, Industry Expert to our clients and Measuring Guru.  This role is close to the most important role in the business as he is the first person that our clients meet.  He educates our clients and makes suggestions as to what they need.  The thankless role is crazy important to business success at Anderson Glass.

So for all the nights he stays late standing in the warehouse in the silence to gather his thoughts of the day, for all the showers that fit so perfectly, for every window glass that fits as it should,  let me say thank you Eric.  Your dedication to this business is more than I can ask for and I appreciate what you do here more than you'll ever know.  The bar will never lower and my expectations will always be high but you didn't expect anything else from your little brother anyway.

When people ask me what it's like to work with family, first I ask if they mean my brother or my dad...but then I tell them I'm extremely lucky.  See anything in life that is hard to navigate is worth navigating to.  Anything difficult to make work is worth working for.  Our name is on this business and the level of pride that comes with that doesn't change regardless of the role we play.  Family is what makes it a Family Business and Anderson Glass is a Family Business!
